Organic Soap Nuts – Cleaning Prowess from Nature



Soap Nuts is a safe and natural laundry soap and versatile household cleanser.

BGO Ecoshop ( now stocks eco-friendly ECOCERT Certified organic Soap Nuts, available in 250g, 50g and 1kg packs. They are of Sapindus Mukorossi species, free from pesticides and de-seeded. And it comes with 2 cotton wash bags and 1 instruction booklet.

Product Description

Grown on trees, Soap Nuts is a fruit that contains Saponin, a natural surfactant, in its shell. When the shells come in contact with water, it releases Saponin that removes dirt and grime. Since centuries ago, people around the world have been using Soap Nuts for their laundry, personal body and hair wash and household cleaning. And today, it is an Eco-friendly alternative to synthetic detergent.

Soap Nuts Is Great For Anyone

Soap Nuts is safe for your health and for our environment. It is a gentle choice for people who are allergic to chemical residue on clothes from detergent. It is safe for babies and children. For people with skin condition such as Eczema, Soap Nuts will not aggravate the condition. And for anyone who wants a clean and safe home for their family, Soap Nuts is an excellent option.

Benefits Of Using Soap Nuts

  • Effective for laundry and suitable for all fabric types.
  • It leaves your laundry clean and soft, and it does not require fabric softener.
  • Low in suds, it is suitable for use with all types of washing machines including High Efficiency (HE) washers.
  • A safe and natural alternative to detergent for anyone.
  • Convenient to carry and use while travelling or camping.
  • Biodegradable and eco-friendly.
  • Versatile for all household cleaning.

How To Use Soap Nuts With Your Washing Machine

  1. Put 6 whole shells (12 halves) into a cotton bag.
  2. Soak it in a bowl of hot or warm water for at least 15 minutes.
  3. Toss the bowl of liquid and soap nuts into your washing machine together with your clothes and start the wash cycle.
  4. Remove soap nuts and let it air-dry. Re-use for your next 1-2 batch of laundry. Top up with new shells if desired.

How To Use Soap Nuts To Handwash Your Laundry

  1. Put 6 whole shells (12 halves) into a cotton bag.
  2. Soak it in a bowl of hot or warm water for at least 15 minutes.
  3. Toss the bowl of liquid and Soap Nuts into your bucket and fill the bucket with water.
  4. Add your clothes into the bucket and let it soak for an hour.
  5. Scrub and rinse as usual.

How To Use Soap Nut Liquid With Washer

  1. Add half cup (120ml) of concentrated soap nut liquid into the washer and start your wash cycle.

Note: See below for instructions on making your own concentrated soap nut liquid.

Make Your Own Concentrated Soap Nut Liquid

  1. Add 10 whole shells (20 halves) in 1.5 litres of water.
  2. Bring to a boil and let it simmer for 30mins. (Or soak overnight)
  3. Let it cool and then strain and store the liquid in an air-tight bottle.
  4. Use within a week.


  • Use full strength or dilute with water as desired for house cleaning.
  • As soap nut liquid has no preservatives added, use the liquid within a week.
  • Make smaller batch of soap nut liquid if your usage is low. Simply reduce the recipe above in proportion.

Storing Soap Nuts

Soap Nuts are best stored in a dry and cool environment. If heat and moisture gets to them. it will pre-release its saponin and turn a little sticky. However, this does not affect their cleansing ability. Store them in an air-tight container and away from the sunlight and moisture if possible.

Customers’ Reviews:

Miley – May 8, 2013:

I‘m so glad your soapnuts comes in 1kg now, can’t get enough of it!

I have been using soapnuts for my laundry for more than 2.5 years now. There was no turning back since the day a tiny pack was gifted to me. And now, being a mother myself, i try not to expose my baby to harmful ingredients in products as much as possible. ‘am so glad i can use soapnuts for her laundry – chemical-free.

Agy – April 22, 2013:

I love using soap nuts. Ever since switching to these natural detergents, we’ve had no problems with itchy skin and my hubby’s hives have calmed down. What’s more, there is less packaging to worry out. I give them a 5 out of 5:-)

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